NEPA and CEQA emphasize the public's role in the
environmental review process. By virtue of Aspen's extensive experience
preparing environmental documents, we have organized and conducted
many public meetings and are thoroughly familiar with the public
notification requirements. We value public participation and, thus,
we are effective at applying the appropriate techniques and procedures
for coordinating the public involvement process. Aspen has gained
over 20 years of experience with public participation and notification
activities on our projects. Specific examples are described below.
Services and Capabilities
- Creation of innovative and reliable methods to involve
the public and inform them of project progress
- Preparation of concise, easily understandable, and varied
materials and fact sheets for public distribution
- Development and maintenance of project mailing lists
- Preparation of Notices of Preparation, Notices of Intent,
property owner notifications, and newspaper advertisements
- Development of project websites with internet services
to provide accessible information to the public
- Development of project libraries or repository sites in
the affected communities, and preparation of multi-lingual
public meeting notices or mailers, public documents, and
Selected Project Experience
Yellowstone Reroute Pipeline EIS
Yellowstone Reroute Pipeline EIS
Kinder-Morgan Carson to Norwalk Pipeline Project
Pacific Pipeline EIS/SEIR
Alturas Transmission Line EIR/S
EWI Hazardous Waste Facility EIR
Gaviota Interim Marine Terminal SEIR/S
Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Phase I and Phase (DOGGR)
Meeting Facilitation for the California Energy Commission (CEC)
Divestiture of PG&E's Hydroelectric Assets
Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project EIR