The increasingly complex regulatory environment, involving all environmental media
and all levels of government control, requires effective regulatory evaluation and
strategy development, experienced agency liaison and negotiation skills, strong
engineering and environmental evaluation capabilities, and competent documentation
and presentation support.
Services and Capabilities
- Thorough knowledge and analysis of regulatory requirements, compliance
assessment, and permitting strategy development
- Project characterization and engineering evaluation to determine impact
parameters (e.g., air, water, and waste discharges)
- Environmental fate and transport modeling, and impact assessment
- Regulatory agency liaison and negotiation at the local, state, and federal levels
- Permit application development, including full analysis and technical
support relating to imposition of permit conditions
- Development of regulatory permit support documents
- Full, interdisciplinary coverage of air, biology, cultural resources,
water, solid waste, hazardous waste, and land use compliance and permitting issues
Selected Project Experience
- Pyramid Lake Repairs and Improvements
- Horsethief Creek Access Road Improvements
- The Simulation of Natural Flows in Middle Piru Creek
- Santa Clara Valley Water District Recycled Water System IS/MND
- PG&E Divestiture of Hydroelectric Facilities EIR
- California Department of Water Resources On-Call Environmental Services
- Santa Clara Valley Water District - Jacques Gulch Restoration Project
- San Joaquin County - South San Joaquin Irrigation District, CEQA Compliance
- Prado Basin, Reach 9, and Norco Bluffs SEIS/EIR
- Biological Staff Assessments for Power Plant Siting Applications, California Energy Commission
- Piru Creek Environmental Review and Permitting Services, Los Angeles County
- Crafton Hills Reservoir Seepage Collection System Upgrade, San Bernardino County
- Robert A. Skinner Water Filtration Plant Oxidation Retrofit Program, Riverside County
- Ventura River Arundo Removal Demonstration Project, Ventura County
- Dent Drain Modification, Ventura County, CA
- Arundell Barranca Concrete Channel Replacement, Ventura County, CA
- Inter-Agency Cooperative Agreements, Ventura County, CA
- Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy Relocation Project EIS/EIR
- CDFG (Region 3) Streambed Alterations Agreements for Telco Projects