Restoration of degraded habitats has become a national priority.
In Southern California, less than five percent of historic
riparian habitat remains and many watersheds have been degraded
by a variety of anthropogenic disturbances. Aspen's qualified
team of biologists, ecologists, planners and other scientists
have extensive practical knowledge in the restoration of degraded
ecosystems throughout California. Aspen comprehensively assesses
restoration goals, opportunities, and constraints and prepares
plans and design documents to optimize ecosystem function
and achieve community and species diversity goals that are
consistent with existing and future environmental conditions.
We also apply our expertise to the preparation of Watershed
Management Plans and Special Area Management Plans that allow
local and regional organizations to prioritize and plan specific
restoration projects.
Services and Capabilities
- Habitat assessment using Habitat Evaluation Procedures
(HEP), the Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Approach, the California
Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM), and related methods to evaluate
habitat condition and restoration potential
- Identification of appropriate project and ecosystem goals,
development and evaluation of restoration alternatives in
consideration of goals, opportunities, and constraints
- Detailed vegetation mapping utilizing Geographic Information
Systems (GIS)
Change analysis of vegetation community structure
- Optimization of restoration alternatives employing cost-benefit
and incremental cost analysis
- Development of restoration feasibility studies and plans
- Preparation of comprehensive habitat mitigation and monitoring
- Evaluation of restoration success, using an adaptive management
approach to efficiently identify problems and effective
remedial actions
- Preparation of habitat conservation plans
- Preparation of Watershed Management Plans, Special Area
Management Plans (SAMPs), and Master Streambed Alteration
Agreements (MSAAs)
- Hydrologic and hydraulic stream flow evaluation
- Sediment transport analysis
Selected Project Experience