Project Type: Habitat Restoration
Ormond Beach Wetlands Restoration Feasibility Study, Ventura County, CA
Aspen is providing wide-ranging technical and management services to
the California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) in preparing the Ormond
Beach Wetlands Restoration Feasibility Study, in Ventura County,
California. This study will serve as the basis for the SCC to make
informed decisions regarding the acreage of land to be acquired for
the restoration, sequence, and the appropriate habitat composition
for this area. The SCC's stated goal is to restore at least 750 acres
of Ormond Beach to accommodate wetland and other habitat needs, as
well as the City of Oxnard's plans to complete development of the
south Oxnard community.
The project covers restoration of wetland, coastal dune, scrub, and grassland habitats, which includes:
- Identification of function- and value-based goals
- Identification of opportunities and constraints
- Development of alternatives
- Evaluation of alternatives (ranking)
- Development of short-term and long-term recommendations (phasing of restoration)