Project Type: Watershed Management Planning
Otay River Watershed Management Plan (ORWMP) and Special Area Management Plan (SAMP), San Diego County, CA
Aspen is providing wide-ranging technical and regulatory assistance
to the County of San Diego Department of Planning and Land Use in
Preparing the Watershed Management Plan and a Special Area Management
Plan for the 160-mi2 Otay River watershed. The ORWMP development
includes the identification of goals and objectives, the
characterization of the watershed (biological resources, aquatic
resources, geologic resources, land uses, demographics), the
identification of threats to watershed resources and the crafting
of implementation and monitoring strategies for resource protection
and enhancement. The development of the SAMP includes the preparation
of a purpose and need statement, evaluation of the integration potential
of other plans relevant to the watershed, development of sub-basin
specific planning principles of BMPs, preparation of the Corps of
Engineers' Section 404(b)(1) alternatives analysis and public interest
review, development of Corps of Engineers and CDFG permit language,
preparation of a restoration/mitigation plan and long-term monitoring
plan, and stakeholder involvement and communication. The ORWMP is more
focused on assisting the County of San Diego in complying with the San
Diego Region's new NPDES stormwater permit, and the SAMP is intended to
strike a balance between reasonable economic development and aquatic
resource protection through the issuance of Corps and CDFG programmatic