Aspen Consulting Engineers is a relatively new division of Aspen Environmental
Group launched in Phoenix, Arizona after having completed dozens of projects in
that state. Those projects included many flood control and water resources
projects which enhanced our engineering capabilities. In order to better serve
our local clientele, we established an office with highly qualified staff to
provide for a range of client needs under water resources engineering, with the
plan to also provide integrated environmental services.
Services and Capabilities
Headed by Jerry Collins, Vice President of Operations, the division
specializes in providing a variety of flood control and watershed management
services, including:
- Floodplain mapping
- Flood drainage assessment
- Stream flow and floodplain modeling
- Analysis of hydraulic structures
- Peak flow determination
- FEMA map revisions
- Flood control planning
- Watershed simulation and hydrologic routing
- Watershed sediment modeling
- Drainage Design
- Scour analysis
This division provides the benefits of Aspen's combined engineering and
environmental capabilities to undertake multi-disciplinary planning studies,
feasibility studies, and alternatives analysis for flood control and
watershed management projects.
Following are samples of projects that Aspen Environmental Group and its
employees have undertaken in the state of ArizonaPlease see our Services
pages to learn more about our Hydrologic capabilities and our Flood Plain
Selected Project Experience
Aspen Experience
- Rio Salado Environmental Restoration Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Phoenix and Tempe
- Northeast Phoenix Drainage Area Alternatives Analysis Report, Phoenix
- Kino Ecosystem Restoration Project, Tucson
- Agua Fria Ecosystem Restoration Project, Avondale
- Lower Colorado River Boundary and Capacity Preservation Project EIS, Yuma County
- Park Avenue Detention Basin Complex Habitat Criteria Report, Tucson
- El Vado Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Project, Tucson
- Tucson Drainage Area Comparative Evaluation Report and Supplemental EA, Tucson
- Tanque Verde Creek Pygmy Owl Survey and Report, Pima County
- Santa Cruz River Watershed Study Environmental Analysis, Pima County
- Tucson Arroyo/Arroyo Chico Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) Analysis for Tucson Drainage Area Feasibility Study, Tucson
- Marana Heritage Park Conceptual Plan (Phase I)35th to 51st Avenue Salt River Restoration Project, Phoenix
- Finley Sand and Gravel Permit, Maricopa County
- Durango Regional Conveyance Channel Master Plan, Flood Control District of Maricopa County
- Sunland Channel Master Plan, Flood Control District of Maricopa County
- Camp Creek Tributaries Floodplain Delineation, Flood Control District of Maricopa County
- Union Hills Service Center Conditional Letter of Map Revision, City of Phoenix
Aspen Staff - Key Project Experience prior to joining Aspen
- Arroyo Chico and Alamo Wash Basin Management Plans, Tucson
- North Scottsdale Flood Control Reconnaissance Study, Maricopa County
- Gila River Indian Community Planning Assistance--Development of flood control and
erosion control strategies on the Gila RiverGila River Riparian Restoration, Maricopa and
Yuma Counties Reconnaissance study for habitat restoration along the Gila River between
Painted Rock Dam and the Colorado River.
- Flood Control Studies for Arizona CommunitiesPre-reconnaissance flood control studies for 43 communities in ten Arizona counties for the U.SArmy Corps of Engineers.
- Rio Salado Reconnaissance Study, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers