At the time of project approval, lead agencies must adopt specific mitigation measures, recommended
in the environmental assessment document, to reduce project impacts during construction and operation.
The monitoring of mitigation measure implementation is especially important for complex and controversial
projects where a variety of habitats or environmental resources could be affected. Mitigation monitoring
can range from 'spot-checking' to full-time on-site inspection based on the size and environmental sensitivity of the project.
Services and Capabilities
- Develop detailed implementation plans for all adopted mitigation measures
- Coordinate with lead and responsible agencies regarding reporting and communication protocols
- Consistently interact with project proponent to develop uniform understanding of mitigation
measure implementation procedures and success criteria
- Technically review pre-construction plans and surveys (e.g.,
biological and cultural surveys, erosion control plans, public
notification plans, unanticipated discovery plans, etc.)
- Develop and maintain project distribution lists for inspection reports
- Design and write public and agency information updates (e.g., newsletters)
- Develop and maintain websites presenting daily, weekly, and monthly reports and maps
- Prepare completion reports summarizing construction progress, mitigation measure
implementation success, problems encountered, and recommendations for improvement.
Selected Project Experience
Santa Ana River Project Mainstem Project,
Prado Basin and Reach 9
PG&E Tri-Valley 2002 Capacity Increase Project
CDFG Region 3 Construction Monitoring and Permitting Program
PG&E Atlantic Del Mar Project
Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental Restoration and Recreation Project, Riverside County
PG&E Northeast San Jose Transmission Reinforcement Project
PG&E Line 401 Capacity Loops Project
Level 3 Communication Fiber Optics Network
Pacific Pipeline Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program
Aspen is currently conducting or has recently completed a number
of other high profile projects for the following agencies:
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC):
SCE Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project, Segments 4-11
SDG&E Sunrise Powerlink Project
SCE Antelope-Pardee Transmission Project, Segment 1
SCE Antelope Transmission Project, Segments 2 and 3
PG&E Delta Capacity Increase Substation Project,
PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Line Project
Lodi Gas Kirby Hills Natural Gas Storage Facility Project
SDG&E Miguel-Mission 230 kV #2 Project
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps):
Santa Ana River Mainstem Project, Prado Basin and Reach 9
Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental Restoration and Recreation Project
Los Angeles County Drainage Area System Levee Expansion Project, Corps
Desert Tortoise Mitigation Monitoring, Twenty-nine Palms Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Corps
Avian Monitoring, San Luis Rey River, Oceanside, CA, Corps
Sensitive Species Surveys, Trapping and Relocation, Murrieta Creek, CA, Corps
California Energy Commission (CEC):
Emergency Power Plant Construction Monitoring, CEC