of safety and liability concerns, both the public and private
sectors have been increasingly interested in studying the
causes, probabilities, and consequences of accidents associated
with the production, storage, transport, and use of hazardous
and toxic materials. Aspen provides the thorough knowledge
of processes, equipment, and procedures required for safety
and hazard assessments and mitigation, as well as knowledge
of methods of release, dispersion, and consequence analysis.
Services and Capabilities
- Analysis
of system safety implications and risk of upset for pipelines
and industrial and waste management facilities, including
hazard footprint analysis and development of mitigation
Oilspill analysis, including identification of probability
of occurrence, maximum spill volumes, and dispersion and
fate of oil in both the marine and terrestrial environments
Calculation and evaluation of risk and accident statistics and development
of mitigation measures for transportation projects
- Preparation and review of emergency response and oil spill contingencyplans
- Development of risk management and prevention programs
- Evaluation of treatment options and waste minimization and pollution
prevention opportunities
Selected Project Experience
Evaluation of Pipeline Risk
Aspen staff and specialty subcontractors have evaluated risks associated
with several crude oil, gasoline, and petroleum products pipelines,
including identification of rupture or spill probabilities, spill
volumes, fate and consequence analysis, and comparative analysis of
pipeline alternatives. Key project examples include the Yellowstone
Pipeline (petroleum products) in western Montana and northern Idaho;
the Pacific Pipeline (crude oil) in southern California; the
Kinder-Morgan Carson to Norwalk Pipeline (petroleum products), also in
southern California; and a risk evaluation for a proposed petroleum
products pipeline in New Mexico for a confidential client.
Marine Oil Spill Analysis
For the Gaviota Marine Terminal Project (crude oil), Aspen managed a
comprehensive analysis of marine oil spills offshore California, including
the Santa Barbara Channel, the Los Angeles Harbor area, and the San
Francisco Bay area. This project involved utilization of several
state-of-the-art models of oil spill transport and fate in the marine
environment. Aspen analyzed the capabilities and efficiencies of existing
emergency response resources in containment, removal, and clean up operations.
Hazard Footprint Analysis
Aspen staff prepared and analyzed hazard footprints for tanker accidents, oil
terminals, drill sites, refineries, and fuel pipelines for private clients,
public agencies, and for several U.S. Navy facilities. These studies included
computer modeling of accidental releases of such gases as hydrogen and ammonia,
and accidental rupture of truck and railroad car tanks.
Accident Analysis
Aspen has evaluated the safety and accident potential for alternative modes
of transporting hazardous materials (including tankers, pipelines, unit trains,
and trucks) for a crude oil pipeline and for a hazardous waste storage and
treatment facility. Aspen also evaluated upset conditions for the hazardous
waste facility and the potential consequences upon surrounding land uses.
Analysis included comprehensive release simulation, fire analysis, dispersion,
and consequence analysis.
Evaluation of Treatment Technologies
Aspen prepared a feasibility report for a potato processing plant in Oregon.
The report evaluated the applicability of electrostatic precipitation and
biofiltration in abating odors from hot oil fryers. Aspen principals prepared
several reports for the EPA's Office of Solid Waste to evaluate treatment
technologies for various pollutants and hazardous wastes. Aspen principals
also participated in several studies for the California EPA Department of
Toxic Substances Control to evaluate technologies and procedures to reduce
the amounts of wastes generated by several industries.
Related Services
- Emergency release modeling
- Fire modeling
- Air quality monitoring
- Hazard and operability studies
- Air toxics inventory (risk assessment)
- Pollution prevention (waste minimization)
- Community relations/right-to-know support
- Environmental impact assessment, compliance, and permitting