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Biological Surveys and Impact Assessment
Biological resource assessment is a significant component of environmental impact
assessment and permitting that is routinely required by both federal and State law
to protect endangered and threatened species against "incidental take." Aspen conducts
biological surveys and analyses of data for environmental impact assessments, performs
endangered species consultations, and prepares biological mitigation and habitat
restoration plans.
Services and Capabilities
- Biological Assessments and Evaluations under State and
Federal Endangered Species Acts (e.g., consultation and
incidental take provisions of the Federal Endangered Species
Act, Sections 7 and 10, and the California Endangered Species
Act, Section 2080-2089)
- Surveys and mapping of special status plants, wildlife,
and natural communities
- Analysis of biological and environmental data to define
existing conditions and project changes due to proposed
- Biological resources impact assessment and mitigation
planning and monitoring
- Environmental Impact Statements and Reports in support
of NEPA and CEQA, as well as NEPA Environmental Assessments
and CEQA Initial Studies/Negative Declarations
Selected Project Experience
Vegetation Mapping
Aspen has conducted vegetation
mapping throughout the southwestern United Sates, including
California and Arizona, over areas from as small as a few
acres to vegetation communities over many square miles for
impact assessments, resource management plans or long-term
monitoring. We routinely apply remote sensing and georeferencing
techniques and can define simple or complex data collection
protocols depending on the objectives of the mapping effort.
Biological Impact Assessment
Habitat Evaluation and Functional Assessment (HGM)
Sensitive Species Surveys
Aspen has completed surveys
and habitat evaluations for a number of special status species
as evidenced by the following projects. Because the southwestern
U.S. has a large number of special status species, Aspen has
an established working relationship with a full range of species
experts to complement the expertise of our staff.
Biological Mitigation Development and Monitoring
Aspen has prepared several EISs and EIRs where sensitive biological
resources were a pivotal issue and has developed a range of
biological mitigation measures and implementation monitoring
Interdisciplinary Documents and Technical Appendices:
prepared and reviewed biological resource sections for numerous
environmental documents pertaining to major pipelines, transmission
lines, and power plant assessments for the California Energy
Commission and successfully designed mitigation to reduce
biological impacts to a less-than-significant level using
measures field-tested under our extensive mitigation monitoring