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Services Biological Surveys and Impact Assessment
Project Type: Surface Water Drainage

San Luis Rey River Vegetation Mapping

Aspen completed vegetation mapping along the lower seven miles (430 acres) of the San Luis Rey River. Aerial photography, GPS and walking transects were used to map plant communities. A GIS analysis determined the acreage of good and poor quality riparian habitat for least Bell's vireo based on cover and composition attributes recorded during the survey.

Biological Impact Assessment

San Luis Rey River Biological Assessment. Aspen completed a biological assessment for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of eight federally listed threatened and endangered birds, amphibians, and fish. The impact of proposed vegetation clearing and sediment removal on the species and their habitat was assessed based on hydrological modeling results, vegetation surveys, and wildlife population data; over 20 detailed mitigation measures were defined.

This project is located on the following Services pages:
Environmental Impact Assessment
Biological Surveys and Impact Assessment
Services Provided on this Project:
• Environmental Impact Analysis
• Environmental Planning
• Riparian and Wetland Ecology
• Biological Studies and Surveys
• Traffic and Transportation
• Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis