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Services Biological Surveys and Impact Assessment
Project Type: Surface Water Drainage

Prado Basin Vegetation Mapping

Under a contract with the Corps, Aspen biologists are mapping riparian vegetation communities on the Santa Ana River below Prado Dam.

Prado Basin, Reach 9, and Norco Bluffs SEIS/EIR. Aspen prepared the Final Supplemental EIS and Project EIR for the Prado Basin, Reach 9, and Norco Bluffs components of the Santa Ana River Project in Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties. The SEIS/EIR was primarily focused on impacts to biological resources. It also examined the impacts associated with stabilizing erosion at Norco Bluffs, changes in inundation levels behind the dam, increased release volumes from Prado Dam under new operations, and bank stabilization downstream (Reach 9) from the dam. Aspen also prepared a 404(b)(1) evaluation, prime and unique farmlands evaluation, and Streambed Alteration Agreement application. During subsequent construction, Aspen has been monitoring construction activities for compliance with mitigation and other environmental requirements, and conducting pre-construction surveys for protected species.

This project is located on the following Services pages:
Environmental Impact Assessment
Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting
Biological Surveys and Impact Assessment
Habitat Restoration
Air Quality Permitting and Modeling
Water-related Compliance & Permitting
Services Provided on this Project:
• Environmental Impact Assessment
• Permitting
• Mitigation Monitoring
• Biological Surveys and Impact Assessment