Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis involves the assessment of peak discharge
rates and flow characteristics of surface water streams for the purpose of
flood control; drainage system design; design of hydraulic structures; and
the assessment of baseline conditions, opportunities, and constraints for
projects associated with watercoursesSince most watercourses have earthen
bed or banks, sediment transport analysis is fundamental to understanding
erosion, deposition, scour, and long-term morphological trends in stream
channelsAspen Consulting Engineers, a division of Aspen Environmental Group,
is highly qualified to perform studies in these areas as illustrated by our
staff's extensive experience in hydrologic, hydraulic, and sediment transport
modeling for a variety of clients in the southwestern U.S.
Services and Capabilities
- Peak flow determination using watershed modeling and statistical procedures
- Stream flow and floodplain modeling using standard step (HEC-RAS) and two-dimensional modeling techniques
- Analysis of hydraulic structures
- Watershed sediment modeling
- Steady-state and dynamic sediment transport analysis
- Scour analyses
- Hydraulic modeling for ecosystem restoration studies
Selected Project Experience
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling - Staff Experience prior to joining Aspen
Sediment Transport Analysis
Sediment Transport Analysis - Staff Experience prior to joining Aspen