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Public Participation and Community Involvement
Project Type: Educational Institutions
Aspen provided comprehensive public participation services for the
Program EIR for the Los Angeles Unified School District New School
Construction Program. The district boundaries cover the City of Los
Angeles and all or portions of 25 other cities and the County of Los
Angeles. Aspen prepared the Notice of Availability and noticed the
release of the Draft Program EIR in 22 newspapers in multiple languages.
Notifications were mailed to the 2,100 contacts on the Community
Database, and the Draft Program EIR was distributed to the 29 repository
sites and placed on the LAUSD website. Aspen prepared a second mailing
and newspaper advertisements to notice the six public meetings on the
Draft Program EIR. Aspen prepared all handouts and presented the summary
of the Program EIR at these six meetings. Aspen prepared and distributed
the meeting notices and mailings for the certification meetings before
the Board of Education. Two advertisements, one week apart, were placed
in 22 newspapers and in multiple languages to advertise the certification
meetings and a telephone hotline number was arranged for receiving public
input on the program. We prepared the Findings of Fact for the Board of
Education at the meetings held in May and June 2004.
Services Provided on this Project:
• Environmental Impact Analysis
• Biological Studies and Surveys
• Land Use
• Social Science
• Air Quality Studies
• Traffic and Transportation
• Population and Demographics
• Hydrology
• Noise Studies
• Public Services and Utilities
• Public Participation