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Services   Air Quality Permitting and Modeling
Project Type: Educational Institutions

Los Angeles Unified School District - New Schools Program EIR Project

Aspen holds an On-call Environmental Services Contract assisting the LAUSD (the nation's second largest school district) with one of the largest public works projects in the country. As part of this ongoing services contract, Aspen prepared a program level EIR for the LAUSD new Schools program. The Program EIR included Phases II, III, and IV of the LAUSD's new school construction program intended to meet projected seat needs through the year 2020. This program was also designed to eliminate involuntary busing and create neighborhood schools. As part of the air quality analysis school bus and school district maintenance and supply vehicle use were estimated. The construction emissions, total operating traffic emissions (private, school bus, maintenance/supply vehicle), and onsite operating emissions were also estimated for the project and no project alternatives. The net regional emission reductions for the project were determined and appropriate mitigation measures were developed to minimize the school site specific construction and operating impacts.

This project is located on the following Services pages:
Environmental Impact Assessment
Air Quality Permitting and Modeling
Public Participation and Community Involvement
Services Provided on this Project:
• Environmental Impact Analysis
• Biological Studies and Surveys
• Land Use
• Social Science
• Air Quality Studies
• Traffic and Transportation
• Population and Demographics
• Hydrology
• Noise Studies
• Public Services and Utilities
• Public Participation