Project Type: Energy
Pacific Pipeline EIS/SEIR
Aspen provided a comprehensive public participation program for the
EIS/Subsequent EIR on the revised route of the Pacific Pipeline Project
for California Public Utilities Commission and Angeles National Forest.
The proposed project and its alternatives traversed five counties and 30
cities and passed through both rural and densely populated urban areas.
This EIS/SEIR involved extensive public outreach efforts to further CEQA
and NEPA compliance. Four public scoping meetings, six informational
workshops and five public hearings were held, which included simultaneous
translation and preparation of all meeting handouts in several languages.
Aspen prepared meeting notices for newspaper publication, including Chinese
and Spanish language publications. Four newsletters were distributed to a
4,000-name mailing list including government agencies, elected officials,
community organizations, and citizens. Aspen established a 24-hour,
English/Spanish telephone information hotline, and project documents were
placed in over 50 libraries and on the Internet.