Project Type: Energy
Pacific Pipeline EIR and EIS/SEIR
Aspen managed preparation of two major environmental documents for the
Pacific Pipeline Project. The proposed 20-inch pipeline was to transport
130,000 barrels per day of crude oil produced offshore Santa Barbara, and
would be 171 miles in length. The original EIR (certified in September, 1993)
evaluated an oil pipeline proposed by Pacific Pipeline System, Inc. to carry
crude oil from coastal Santa Barbara County (Gaviota), via coastal Ventura
County and the Santa Clara River Valley, to refineries in the Wilmington and
El Segundo areas of the Los Angeles Basin. The revised Pacific Pipeline project,
evaluated in an EIS and Subsequent EIR, was proposed to start in the southern
San Joaquin Valley (SJV), and would approximately follow Interstate 5 over Tejon
Pass and would join the originally proposed route at Castaic Junction in Los
Angeles County. Aspen prepared the air quality analysis for the proposed crude
oil pipeline in southern California, including development of an emissions
inventory for the construction and operation of the pipeline and supporting
facilities, and dispersion modeling. The annual emissions from the transportation
of crude oil via marine tankers, unit trains, and tanker trucks were also quantified.