3 consecutive Miscellaneous On-Call Environmental Services contracts
"Aspen has been awarded three consecutive indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity
contracts of 2-3 years duration each
(Aspen) worked with us in the preparation of the
plans and environmental documentation for several ecosystem restoration projects in
California and Arizona. Aspen has successfully completed numerous task orders of varying
complexities and durations. The highly skilled staff and the personal attention by the
owners contribute to high quality products delivered on time and within budget. I highly
recommend Aspen for other environmental contracts and services."
- Ms. Ruth B. Villalobos
Chief, Planning Division
Department of the Army
Los Angeles District Corps of Engineers
PO Box 532711
Los Angeles, CA 90053-2326
(213) 452-3783
Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project EIR, and Los Banos-Gates ("Path 15") 500 kv Project EIR
"During the past 5 years,
I have managed Aspen's work on two major transmission
line projects at the CPUC: the Los Banos-Gates ("Path
15") 500 kV project and the Jefferson-Martin 230 kV
Transmission Project. Both EIRs were prepared under
intense schedule pressure and a high level of public
scrutiny and controversy. Despite the situation, Aspen's
work resulted in on-time completion of high-quality
environmental documents. ...We greatly appreciate Aspen's
continued commitment to quality and its responsiveness
to the CPUC's needs during the work on these important
CPUC projects."
- Ms. Billie C. Blanchard, AICP
Energy Division CEQA Unit
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102-3296
Environmental and Technical Support Services for Southern Region Projects
"Words are not enough to thank the Aspen Environmental Group (AEG) team for their
excellent service. With AEG's help, the environmental permitting process went smoothly
for so many difficult and challenging projects. We continue to be amazed at how quickly
AEG responds. Additionally, the ease with which AEG staff interacts with the Department
of Water Resources, Division of Engineering is commendable."
- Raphael Torres
Acting Deputy Director
(916) 653-3927
Piru Creek Erosion Repairs
"I'd like to compliment your staff on an outstanding job. Even an environmental document-challenged person like me can see the thorough and detailed work your fine efforts continue to produce."
- Cosme Diaz
(916) 653-7231
Piru Creek Environmental Permit Tracking Reports
"I am 110% satisfied with our working relationship. I hope to continue to work on many more projects with Aspen in the future. The working rapport we share is outstanding. Please continue the excellent work."
- John Squires
(916) 653-5363
California Department of Water Resources
c/o 1416 Ninth Street, PO Box 942836
Sacramento, CA 94236-0001
Technical Assistance on Cabrillo Port LNG Environmental Review
"Your skill in articulating the environmental issues relating to LNG terminals such as these was very much appreciated by those representing all sides of this extremely sensitive and controversial topic. I have also received numerous comments from attendees that your role as panelist contributed greatly to the success of the event. I am confident that the attendees walked away with a better understanding of the issues surrounding this very important topic."
- John C. Zaragoza, Councilmember
City of Oxnard
305 West Third Street
Oxnard, CA 93030
(805) 385-7428
Valley Generating Station
"I've just received the final Valley Generating Station Site Documentation Report. The report looks great, and I see that you have addressed all the comments from the draft. With the thorough historical documentation and photography, this report is bound to become a valuable asset for the facility, department, and the City. Thank you
for the excellent work."
- Sarah Easley Perez
Environmental Specialist
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Environmental
111 N. Hope Street Room 1044
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 367-1276
Otay River Watershed Management Plan
"I would rely on Aspen
Environmental Group as well as their subcontractors
to present and translate very technical and scientific
information into language that could be understood by
our elected officials, managers and community working
group members, which was key to gaining their support
for the watershed plan. This complex project -- which
resulted in the first watershed management plan in San
Diego County to be adopted by the affected jurisdictional
councils and boards, was completed on time and under
budget - a project manager's dream. The County's investment
in the contract with Aspen Environmental Group will
be leveraged over and over with grant funds we are now
eligible to receive from the State and Federal governments
for water quality, watershed enhancement and restoration
and open space acquisition projects."
- Trish Boaz, Chief
County of San Diego
Department of Parks and Recreation
Resource Management Division
9150 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 966-1370
Yellowstone Pipeline EIS
"I want to express my deep gratitude for
the outstanding performance . . . (that) spanned over four
years on a very complex and controversial project. I cannot
imagine having had better help. Aspen was very perceptive
in responding to our requests for proposals...You were adept
at managing this customized team, adjusting technical approach
and staffing to adapt to evolving needs over time. Aspen was
highly innovative in proposing contract modifications to deal
with uncertainty and changing project needs. You very effectively
engaged an agitated and sometimes hostile public with your
warm, direct personal approach...(and) deserve credit for
helping us to rebuild positive relationships with our neighbors."
- Terry Egenhoff
Realty Specialist
United States
Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
200 East Broadway,
P.O. Box 7669
Missoula, MT 59807
(406) 329-3601
Level 3 Communications Infrastructure Project
"Your firm has done a great job with this
exceptionally large and difficult project. . . . Aspen assisted
the Commission staff with defining expectations and helped
design a compliance and reporting format. This 2000-mile conduit
project covered most of the state and crossed numerous habitats.
. . . Aspen's field monitors were spread over hundreds of
miles. Aspen provided first class environmental analysis and
compliance monitoring at all times. . . . If we gave grades
to our consultants, Aspen certainly earned an "A"
for this project.
- John Boccio
Projects Manager
Environmental Project Unit
Energy Division
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Pacific Pipeline Project EIS/SEIR
"I thank you for the superb job you and
the entire Aspen team did in developing the EIS/SEIR for the
Pacific Pipeline Project. The dedication of the Aspen team
to providing a thorough analysis on this highly visible and
complex project was essential to a supportable decision by
the Forest Supervisor. . . . Your ability to seamlessly combine
the skills of Aspen staff with those of selected subcontractors
has consistently provided an on-time, high-quality professional
work product."
- Richard Borden
EIS Project Manager
U.S. Forest Service
Angeles National Forest (ANF)
701 North Santa Anita Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91006-2799
(626) 574-5255
Tri-Valley 2002 Capacity Increase Project EIR, CPUC
"The Tri-Valley Project was very controversial.
Aspen successfully managed public meetings with up to 250
members of the public, and responded to a large volume of
comments on the Draft EIR. Aspen also developed a series
of creative alternatives, several of which were selected
and approved by the CPUC, in response to environmental issues
and public concern. ...Aspen and their subconsultants were
responsive, dedicated and continually met rigorous project
deadlines while submitting high quality, professional documents.
The Aspen team was a pleasure to work with as well as an
excellent extension of the CPUC staff."
- Beth Shipley
Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
(805) 964-6010
Alturas Transmission Line EIR/S, U.S. BLM and CPUC
"As Project Manager for the Lead Federal
Agency (BLM), I would like to extend my personal and
professional gratitude to you and the Aspen team for producing
an excellent environmental document. Your work included close
coordination with a multitude of agencies and subcontractors,
and resulted in an EIR/EIS which I believe is clear, logical,
thorough and altogether superior in quality. You met some
deadlines that seemed nearly impossible, and gracefully accommodated
some unfortunately late submissions from various agencies...
I would highly recommend the Aspen Environmental Group for
similar projects in the future. Please feel free to give me
as a reference."
- Peter Humm
EIS Project Manager
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
708 West 12th Street
Alturas, CA 96101
(530) 233-7907
Alturas Transmission Line EIR/S, U.S. BLM and CPUC
"Without question, the Aspen team's efforts
were very successful in consistently moving the environmental
analysis forward even when faced with significant project
changes, late information, and the daunting task of coordinating
countless comments and concerns covering seemingly limitless
environmental issue areas and hundreds of miles. I am personally
and professionally grateful for the effort that you and your
team put into making this joint EIR/S a thorough and sound
environmental document."
- Julie M. Halligan
EIR Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 703-1062
Alturas Transmission Line EIR/S, U.S. BLM and CPUC
"I've appreciated the professionalism and dedication
that the Aspen team has consistently demonstrated in working
on the EIR/S for the Alturas Intertie Project. It is only
through commitment and high quality work ethic that your team
has provided to the EIR/S process that we have been able to
accomplish as much as we have to date."
- John Owens, P.E.
Project Engineer
Sierra Pacific Power Co.
6100 Neil Road
Reno, NV 89520
(775) 834-5770
Tucson (Ajo) Detention Basin, Final Ecosystem Restoration Report
and Environmental Assessment, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Los Angeles District
"The recommended plan consisted of a complex
and diverse design for 30-acres of meandering wetlands and
the restoration of habitat areas within an existing flood
control basin. The design also included a 7-acre wildlife/marsh
pond area and other wetland development consisting of freshwater
marsh, riparian habitat and open water features. Your firm
was instrumental in assisting the Corps in entering into the
Plans and Specifications phase . . . I commend your staff's
dedication in meeting our technical needs in a timely responsive
manner, with reliable and professional quality outputs."
-Juan Villalobos
Project Manager
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Los Angeles District
P.O. Box 532711
Los Angeles, CA 90053-2325
(213) 452-3783
Gaviota Marine Terminal EIR/EIS
"As the chairperson of the Joint Review
Panel responsible for overseeing the preparation of the Gaviota
Marine Terminal EIR/EIS, I want to commend you for your excellent
work in preparing and finalizing this complex document. Your
cooperation ... was a critical reason that the County staff
was able to meet its commitments to the Board of Supervisors
and State agencies regarding the Chevron oil transportation
question. Your diplomacy in working with agencies whose goals
for the document were not entirely consistent was very much
appreciated, and your command of the information contained
in the 1000+ page document was excellent . . . In the many
years that I have worked with EIR consultants I personally
have not witnessed better service. Working with you was a
- Alice McCurdy
Energy Specialist
County of Santa Barbara
Energy Division
1226 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 568-2000
CMS/Western Drums
"Your organization demonstrated full understanding of the technical
and environmental issues and concerns involved in assessing
and explicating our state-of-the-art facility. Your diplomacy
and competence in working with the City of Avenal and the
multitude (some thirty in number) of other agencies involved
in the environmental impact review and comment process assured
that the project moved forward in a timely manner . . . In
the extremely sensitive public-perception milieu . . . I was
most impressed by the cogency and good nature of your presentation
before the Avenal City Council -- which did, after all, result
in a unanimous certification of our EIR and FONSI."
- Mark Waller, Ph.D.
Technical Director
CMS/Western Drums Inc.
21301 Cloud Way
Hayward, CA 94545