March, 2012 - Recent Appointments
Dr. Carl Linvill was appointed by Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) to serve as the Energy Efficiency Technologies
representative to the Scenario Planning Steering Group (SPSG). The SPSG is responsible for formulating electricity sector scenarios for
2032 for WECC to study as part of its 20 Year Study Plan.
Dr. Carl Linvill was appointed to the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Non-wires Solutions (NWS) Roundtable. The Roundtable evaluates the viability
of non-wires alternatives to BPA proposed transmission and determines whether the transmission can be delayed or obviated by implementing one
or more non-wires solutions.
Mr. John Candelaria was appointed to serve on the Advisory Committee to the Nevada's New Energy Industry (NEI) Task Force by Stacey Crowley, Director of
the Nevada State Office of Energy. Ms. Crowley says, "We will present a report to the governor by August 1, 2012, that demonstrates the business case for production and transmission of renewable energy, sets forth a direction on Nevada's role in the regional transmission market, and may recommend policy or regulatory changes that support the goals of the task force."
October, 2011 - Energy Aware Facility Siting and Permitting Guide
The Energy Aware Facility Siting and Permitting Guide,prepared by Aspen Environmental Group, is an update of an earlier guide developed by the Energy Commission in the 1990s.
This most recent guide assists local governments with developing general plan energy and transmission elements and provides
guidance on utility-scale electricity generation and transmission planning and permitting. California has ambitious greenhouse gas
emission reduction targets and renewable energy development targets that are spurring new energy infrastructure. The guide discusses
the increasing role of local governments in energy planning and permitting; describes the energy regulations and policies (both federal
and state) and planning processes that define future electricity generation and transmission needs; and identifies opportunities for
local government involvement in electricity infrastructure planning and permitting. Examples of local government development of
energy planning tools and involvement in generation and transmission planning and permitting are provided. The Energy Aware Facility
Siting and Permitting Guide also describes the environmental impacts associated with developing new energy generation facilities and
transmission lines.
September, 2011 - Diesel Technology Forum Report Released
Diesel Powers the U.S. Economy: Providing High-Paying Jobs, Exports and Long-Term Productivity Gains in
the Nation's Fundamental Sectors: The diesel industry contributes more than $480 billion annually to the US economy,
provides more than 1.25 million jobs, and supplies a substantial export-to-value ratio five times higher than the national
average, according to this new economic report released in September 2011 by the Diesel Technology Forum (DTF). The report
was researched by Dr. Richard McCann of Aspen Environmental Group and Steven Moss of M.Cubed and released during a press conference
September 28 at the National Press Club. The study evaluated the direct contribution of clean diesel engine and equipment
manufacturing and fuel refining to the economy as well as the indirect contributions and influence of diesel technology on 16
diesel-reliant sectors of the economy.
August, 2011 - Clean Energy Vision Report Released
Western Grid 2050: Contrasting Futures, Contrasting Fortunes: This new report,
examines two very different energy futures western states can choose to build by investing in: "Business as Usual"
or "Clean Energy" development. The report was prepared by Dr. Carl Linvill, John Candelaria and Ashley Spalding of Aspen
Environmental Group for Western Grid Group and Western Clean Energy Advocates. It is the first of a suite of materials
from the two groups proposing sustained, orderly transition to clean energy across the western United States.
Moving to clean energy, the report shows, can create more jobs and drive more robust economic development in western
states than other investments can. If carefully planned, low-carbon electricity can be more secure and sustainable than
our electric system today. While substantial investment will be required, electricity bills can be lower for consumers who
aggressively pursue efficiency and conservation opportunities. Orderly transition to more diverse and decentralized resources
can provide a foundation for new prosperity. Western Grid 2050 is intended to begin a dialogue on the alternatives, so
westerners can make an informed choice.
July, 2011 - Aspen Awarded with Leadership Award by Senator Fran Pavley
During Aspen's Grand Opening of our new gold candidate LEED headquarters
office, we received an award from Senator Fran Pavley for Leadership
in Environmental Sustainability. Aspen also received a commendation
from Agoura Hills City Council member, Dan Kuperberg on behalf of
Mayor Harry Schwarz.
July, 2011 - Announcement
We are sending this first paperless electronic message to our clients, subcontractors,
and friends to announce two very important events in our corporate life. One is the 20th anniversary
of our company’s establishment and a review of our past, present, and future hopes and aspirations.
October, 2010 - APPA Report Released
Implications of Greater Reliance on Natural Gas: This 95-page report, commissioned by American Public Power Association (APPA) with support
from the Utility Air Regulatory Group, (UARG) was conducted by Catherine Elder, Senior Associate, Energy and Resource Analysis, Aspen
Environmental Group. It examines the necessary new infrastructure investments and other implications on natural gas and deliveries to
electric utilities should new rules from Congress or EPA limiting carbon emissions or other pollutants result in a shift away from coal
toward natural gas to generate electricity. The report discusses projected costs for infrastructure upgrades, operational considerations,
implications for different regions of the country, and other related issues.
October, 2010 - Aspen's EIR on Panoche Valley Solar Farm Project
BLM Certified in San Benito County
Aspen prepared an EIR for San Benito County to evaluate the impacts of Solargen Energy Inc.'s proposed 420 MW solar photovoltaic project. The project was proposed on nearly 5,000 acres of grazing land near the Fresno County line, about 30 miles southeast of Hollister. The site is occupied by several protected species, including the giant kangaroo rat, San Joaquin kit fox, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, mountain plover. Aspen's team prepared the fast-track Draft and Final EIRs in only 7 months, working closely with County Planning staff. The County certified the EIR and approved the project in October. The document is available on the web at
November, 2009 - Aspen makes 4 strategic hires | Boosts renewable
energy project experience | Opens Inland Empire office
Aspen continues to play a leading role in environmental analysis for the expanding realm of renewable energy. Please see details here:
Aspen Expands Renewable Energy Capacity
March, 2009 - Aspen has been selected to provide the Bureau
of Land Management (BLM), California
Aspen has been selected to provide the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM), California, with technical review services of NEPA documents
and technical documents associated with the NEPA process (such as
cultural resource inventory reports and biological reports) addressing
energy development (production of oil, natural gas, geothermal,
wind and solar power as well as transmission lines) proposed on
public lands managed by the BLM. Under 'federal law, BLM is responsible
for processing requests for rights-of-way to authorize energy related
projects on BLM land. In the past year, BLM has received more than
100 applications for solar and wind energy development on BLM managed
public lands.
March, 2009 - Aspen is proud that we have become a leader in
the environmental review and permitting of renewable energy projects.
A Selection of projects we have recently been awarded
November, 2008 - Dr. Richard McCann, formerly a partner at M.Cubed , has joined Aspen’s Sacramento office Integrated Energy Analysis and
Planning Division as Senior Associate
Dr. McCann’s expertise in energy and natural resource economics and policy is widely recognized. He has testified before numerous regulatory agencies, including FERC, CPUC, CEC, CARB, SWRCB and regional water boards. High-profile issues he has addressed include: sales of utilities’ power plants under restructuring; testifying on behalf of California subsequent to the recent energy crisis; the costs for new alternative generating technologies; the economic costs and benefits from acquiring new water resources, including desalination; closure of the Rancho Seco Nuclear plant; and the potential consequences of de-commissioning dams on Klamath River.
He will substantially strengthen Aspen’s core business by conducting economic and policy analysis, and developing models and forecasts using economic analytical tools, particularly related to energy and water utilities. He will also add important capabilities to Aspen’s growing climate change and air quality analysis.
February, 2008 - Aspen Reports: Laying a Foundation for Nevada's Energy Future for Energy Foundation
Dr. Carl Linvill, Dr. Suzanne Phinney, and Christopher Cooke, of Aspen Environmental Group worked with Richard McCann,
of M. Cubed, to complete "Laying a Foundation for Nevada's Electricity Future: Generation Facility Uncertainties and the Need for a Flexible Infrastructure" for the Energy Foundation.
Facing uncertainty in meeting future demand for electricity, Nevada should concentrate on building a "flexible infrastructure" that leverages a mixture of resources and avoids
risks associated with large-scale centralized generation, according to the report.
Carl Linvill, who leads Aspen Environmental Group's Energy Planning
and Analysis Department, is the former Nevada Energy and Economic Advisor and Public Utility Commissioner.
View Articles in the Press
December, 2007 - Dr. Suzanne Phinney played a key role in producing the Integrated Energy Policy Report
For the last several years, Aspen has been supporting the California energy Commission in the preparation
of the Commission's major policy document - the Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR). Dr. Suzanne Phinney
played a key role in helping produce these documents. She authored the report, The Relationship between Land
Use and Energy, which was one of the two chapters comprising the 2006 IEPR Update. She was a key author of a
second report, The Role of Land Use in Meeting California's Energy and Climate Change Goals, and helped write
the chapter in the 2007 EIPR that dealt with this report. Dr. Phinney's contributions to the EIPR process were
acknowledged in a Certificate of Excellence signed by Chairman Jackalyne Pfannensteil and Commissioner
John Geesman. (See awards page.).
November 1, 2006 - Carl Linvill Joins Aspen
Dr. Linvill has over 20 years of experience as an Energy Advisor, Commissioner, and Academic Economist. He
joins Aspen after working most recently as Energy Advisor to the Governor of Nevada. He was previously appointed
as the commissioner of Nevada's Public Utilities Commission. He has experience working on energy infrastructure
projects including a variety of technical issues such as resource planning, renewable energy and energy
efficiency planning, interstate transmission planning and cost allocation, energy procurement, and risk
management. This will be an immediate benefit for Aspen's many energy clients including the CEC, CPUC, and
Western Area Power Administration and allow us to more efficiently use our many specialized subcontractors.
June 7, 2006 - Aspen Wins Major Award
The program EIR for the LAUSD New School Construction Program is the first
environmental/planning document of its kind to analyze the effects of a major
school construction program; building enough schools to accommodate 200,000
seats within a 704 square-mile study area that includes the City of Los Angeles,
all or parts of 25 other municipalities, and parts of Los Angeles County.
June 6, 2006
Aspen Environmental Group is pleased to announce the County of San Diego Board
of Supervisors adopted the Final Draft Otay River Watershed Management Plan on
May 10, 2006. The adoption was by unanimous consent of the Board of Supervisors
because of the plan’s broad acceptance and lack of opposition. It is the first
of several San Diego County watershed management plans in development to be
adopted by the Board of Supervisors. In addition, the City of Imperial Beach
adopted the plan on May 17, 2006; on June 5, 2006, the City of Chula Vista’s
Resource Conservation Commission recommended the City Council adopt the plan;
and the San Diego Unified Port District adopted the plan on June 6, 2006.
Adoption by participating jurisdictions is important to secure Prop 50 and other
State and Federal grant funding for projects recommended by the plan.
June, 2005
Aspen Welcomes Fritts Golden Aboard (PDF)
May, 2004
Aspen was recently awarded the Outstanding Environmental Analysis Document award
for 2004 by the California State Association of Environmental Professionals
at its annual conference. The award was presented for the Jefferson-Martin 230 kV
Transmission Project EIR. Our appreciation goes to Project Managers Susan Lee at
Aspen, and Billie Blanchard at the California Public Utilities Commission.