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Aspen's Regional Vice Presidents

Mr. Jon Davidson, AICP, is the Vice President of Operations in Aspen'sAgoura Hills Headquarters office. . He is an urban planning and environmental professional with more than 29 years of experience in providing consulting services to government agencies. Mr. Davidson has managed or had a major role in the preparation of more than 130 EIRs, EISs, and EAs, and has prepared over 30 plans and planning studies, including land use studies, general plans, specific plans, redevelopment plans, and site plans. He has a diverse background in land use planning, policy formulation, environmental review, technical writing, public presentation, and project management. Mr. Davidson manages the preparation of environment impact reports/statements, performs impact analysis on a variety of issues and manages the environmental support for restoration projects. His technical specializations include land use, recreation, and visual resources. Mr. Davidson holds a Master of Urban and Regional Planning and a BA degree in Urban Planning.

Ms. Susan Lee is the Vice President of Operation in Aspen's San Francisco office. She has over 27 years of experience and has been at Aspen for 18 years. Her expertise is in management of environmental assessment for energy projects (pipelines, transmission lines, and electricity generation facilities) under both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). She has managed the analysis of large solar energy projects and has also had an active role in the California Energy Commission's assessment of utility-scale solar energy projects to support State's Renewable Portfolio Standards. She also managed preparation of EIRs and EISs for several major electric transmission lines, including the Sunrise Powerlink Project, Devers-Palo Verde No. 2 Project, and the Los Banos-Gates (Path 15) Project. Ms. Lee holds an MS degree in Applied Earth Science and a BA degree in Geology.

Mr. Tom Murphy is the Vice President of Operations in Aspen's Sacramento office. He has 17 years of experience with project management, environmental impact assessments, compliance, and planning. This includes work under NEPA and CEQA, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and numerous federal, state, and local environmental regulations. He is an expert in air quality analysis, dispersion modeling, risk assessment, noise analysis and modeling, and regulatory compliance and permitting. Mr. Murphy has been the Deputy Project Manager for Aspen's 1st and 2nd contracts with the California Energy Commission to provide assistance in the review of applications for certification for over 40 power plants. Currently he is the Project Manager for replacing the Steam Generator at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant. He holds a Masters in Physical Geography and a BA degree in Earth Science.

Services                                     (click)

• Environmental Impact Assessment
• Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, & Reporting
• Power Generation & Energy Infrastructure
• Biological Surveys & Impact Assessment
• Habitat Restoration
• Air Quality Permitting & Modeling
• System Safety & Technology Evaluation
• Public Participation & Community Involvement
• Flood Control & Watershed Planning Studies
• Hydrologic & Hydraulic Modeling & Sediment
   Transport Studies

• Arizona Projects
• Water-related Compliance & Permitting
• Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

 Project Types
• Energy
• Water Supply
• Surface Water Drainage
• Telecommunications
• Educational Institutions
• Habitat Restoration
• Watershed Management Planning