The changing landscape of energy generation in California
and across the US provides a new set of impacts, complexities, analysis
challenges, and controversies associated with renewable resources.
At once a boon for the environment and a source of a new set of
environmental impacts, large-scale renewable generation and transmission
represent a unique siting, analysis, and permitting challenge. As
the leader in preparing environmental impact and policy analyses
for renewable energy generation and transmission in California,
Aspen has completed analyses of major wind projects, utility-scale
solar thermal and PV projects, distributed generation facilities,
and transmission lines to access renewable resources, in addition
to renewable energy policy efforts, actions across far reaching
areas, and regulations.
Services and Capabilities
- Strong project management, using recognized experts to address each issue of concern
- Knowledge of issues particular to development of utility-scale renewables in the West
- Ability to meet schedule requirements for fast-track projects
- Comprehensive knowledge of CEQA and NEPA and other federal and state laws
- Compliance with federal, state, and local agency permitting requirements
- Presentations of technical information to agency decision makers and the public
- Development of practical project alternatives and feasible mitigation to reduce impacts to sensitive resources
- State-of-the-art methodologies and tools for impact assessment
- Flexible teams to provide a wide range of field and desktop services as needed
- Demonstrated capabilities in public participation and community involvement.
Selected Project Experience