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Services   Air Quality Permitting and Modeling
Project Type: Energy

PG&E Hydroelectric Facility Divestiture Project

As the prime contractor to the CPUC, Aspen managed the environmental economic analyses of more than 27 subcontractor firms in completing a Draft EIR in November 2000 on PG&E Co.'s proposed auction of its hydroelectric system. The Draft EIR analyzes the range of operational changes that could occur under new ownership, including complex integrated models that analyze power generation and water management. Aspen prepared the air quality section for the Divestiture of PG&E's Hydroelectric Assets Draft EIR/EIS for the CPUC. The air quality analysis included the determination of potential construction and operating emissions for future land uses (forestry, residential, commercial, mining, etc.), and the secondary fossil fuel power plant emissions associated with changes in power output from the hydroelectric facilities for two separate post divestiture operating scenarios.

This project is located on the following Services pages:
Environmental Impact Assessment
Power Generation and Energy Infrastructure
Air Quality Permitting and Modeling
Public Participation and Community Involvement
Water-related Compliance & Permitting
Services Provided on this Project:
• Environmental Impact Analysis
• Economic Evaluation
• CEQA Strategy
• Operational and Economic Analysis
• Electrical System Modeling
• Forestry
• Fisheries and Aquatic Biology
• Agriculture
• Land Use
• Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis