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Aspen Environmental Group is pleased to offer our Federal clients the GSA Environmental Planning Services and Documentation contract vehicle. This contract is easy to use and serves as a convenient and cost-saving alternative to releasing an RFP/RFQ to obtain the wide range of environmental services offered by Aspen.
General Services Administration
Contract Number: GS-10F-0229N
Contract Type: Special Item Number 899-01 - Environmental Planning Services and Documentation
Available to all federal agencies
Available in all geographic areas
Current clients include:
- Western Area Power Authority
- Bureau of Reclamation
Aspen is available to provide a wide range of environmental services including:
- NEPA/CEQA documents
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance and Reporting
- Power Generation and Energy Infrastructure
- Biological Surveys and Impact Assessment
- Habitat Restoration
- Air Quality Modeling and Impact Assessment
- Air Toxics Assessment and Health Risk Assessment
- Environmental Compliance and Permitting
- System Safety and Technology Evaluation
- Public Participation and Community Involvement
- Flood Control and Watershed Management Planning
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling and Sediment Transportation Analysis
Aspen is recognized in the State of California as a Small Business. NAICS: 541620
GSA Schedules offer the potential benefits of:
1) Shorter lead-times,
2) Lower administrative costs.
GSA saves Federal agencies time by pre-determining that our prices are fair and reasonable.
Therefore agencies therefore do NOT need to:
1) seek further competition,
2) synopsize the requirement,
3) make a separate determination of fair and reasonable pricing, or
4) consider small business programs.
Orders are placed directly with us in a “task order” fashion, and we provide services
directly to you. To view a wealth of information on GSA Schedules and Contracting Aspen,
visit: http://www.GSA.gov where there are tutorials and
comprehensive information for agencies.
View the Aspen catalog at: GSA Advantage
For more information, contact Aspen’s Corporate Marketing Associate at (818) 597-3407 ext.322
How to hire Aspen:
1. Individual orders may range from $100 to $5,000,000.
2. For orders up to $2,500 - Develop a Scope of Work (SOW) and have your procurement office place the order directly with Aspen.
3. For orders over $2,500 but less than $1,000,000 - Develop a performance-based SOW, send a Request for Quote to at least three GSA contractors, evaluate quotes based on your best value criteria, and place the order directly with the selected contractor.
4. For orders over $1,000,000 - Follow the procedures as per #2 above but seek additional quotes and price reductions.
5. In order to further decrease costs, reduce paperwork, and save time, access Aspen directly by establishing a Blanket Purchase Agreement. Contact BSA for details on this procedure.
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