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Services Environmental Impact Assessment
Project Type: Energy

Kinder Morgan Concord-to-Sacramento Pipeline EIR

Aspen prepared the Draft and Final EIRs for the California State Lands Commission to evaluate a 70-mile petroleum products pipeline between Concord (Contra Costa County) and West Sacramento (Yolo County). The purpose of the new pipeline was to meet projected demand for petroleum products in the Sacramento, and to replace the SFPP's existing 40-year old, 14-inch pipeline between Concord and Sacramento. The proposed pipeline will be trenched for the majority of its route, crossing approximately 50 waterways. The EIRs considered the proposed route and one alternative route, as well as the No Project Alternative, to consider impacts of continued use of the older pipeline and increased trucking of petroleum products.

This project is located on the following Services pages:
Environmental Impact Assessment
Power Generation and Infrastructure
Services Provided on this Project:
• Environmental Impact Analysis
• Traffic and Transportation
• Risk Assessment
• Noise Studies
• Air Quality Studies
• Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis
• Land Use
• Biological Studies and Surveys
• Public Participation