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Services Power Generation and Energy Infrastructure
Project Type: Energy

Kinder Morgan Concord to Sacramento Pipeline EIR

On behalf of the State Lands Commission, Aspen prepared the EIR for construction of a 69-mile 20-inch steel petroleum products pipeline from Concord to West Sacramento. The pipeline would have a normal flow rate of 14,000 barrels per hour (BPH) and a maximum flow rate of 27,300 BPH. The proposed pipeline will be trenched for the majority of its route, crossing approximately 50 waterways. These crossings range from 25- to 50-foot creeks or canal crossings to a 6,800-foot crossing of the Carquinez Strait. The proposed new pipeline would replace an existing 14-inch petroleum products pipeline that will be drained and cleaned for potential re-use for purposes other than petroleum products. The Final EIS was released in October 2003.

This project is located on the following Services pages:
Environmental Impact Assessment
Power Generation and Infrastructure
Services Provided on this Project:
• Environmental Impact Analysis
• Traffic and Transportation
• Risk Assessment
• Noise Studies
• Air Quality Studies
• Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis
• Land Use
• Biological Studies and Surveys
• Public Participation