Project Type: Energy
PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project EIR
Aspen prepared an EIR for PG&E Company's proposed construction of a new
27-mile 230 kV transmission line from the Jefferson Substation (in San
Mateo County) to the Martin Substation in the City of Brisbane.
AEP Award
Aspen was presented with the 2004 Award for
Outstanding Environmental Analysis Document by the Association of
Environmental Professionals (AEP) for the Jefferson-Martin 230 kV
Transmission Project Final EIR. This award recognizes the hard work of
Aspen and the CPUC in preparing detailed alternatives analysis, extensive
public outreach, and high quality document production.
The jury said that, "the Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Line Project
EIR provides a model for thoroughness and clarity in the preparation of a
CEQA document. The document is extremely well-organized, with a precise and
concise narrative supported by excellent graphics. The mitigation measures,
in particular, are extremely well-crafted, and cumulative impacts are
carefully enumerated."