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Air Quality Permitting and Modeling
Project Type: Energy
Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project EIS/EIR
Aspen prepared the baseline conditions portion of an EIS/EIR to support
a Corps feasibility study for the removal of Matilija Dam on Matilija
Creek, a tributary of the Ventura River. Aspen prepared the air quality
section and general conformity analysis for the Matilija Dam Ecosystem
Restoration Project EIS/R for the Corps. The air quality analysis included
estimating emissions from over one dozen separate construction tasks being
conducted at separate locations and under different overlapping schedules.
Aspen worked with the Corps to determine an appropriate construction task
schedule and appropriate air quality mitigation measures, including, the
electrification of all large stationary engines required for the project.
Services Provided on this Project:
• Environmental Impact Analysis
• Air Quality Studies
• Mitigation Measure Development