Project Type: Energy
SCE Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Transmission Project Draft EIR/EIS
Aspen prepared an EIR/EIS for this transmission line project located in northern Los Angeles County.
Aspen prepared the air quality sections for the California Public Utility Commission's SCE
Antelope-Pardee 500 kV Transmission Line Draft EIR/EIS. This effort included the estimate of worst-case
daily construction activities (i.e. construction activity overlap) and construction emissions within
each of the two air basins/local air quality jurisdictions covered by the project route, determination
of appropriate significance criteria for the project, and estimation of annual emissions and general
conformity issue identification for each of these two nonattainment air basins. Additionally, the
emission estimate from the applicants Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) was corrected to use
current regulatory accepted emission factors and emission factor calculation methodologies, corrected
to include all project related import and export truck traffic and helicopter emissions, corrected to
include proper unpaved access road lengths for the remote tower construction sites, and included the
recommendation of all appropriate air quality mitigation measures.