Project Type: Educational Institutions
Valley New High School No. 1 at Cal State University Northridge EIR
This new high school was proposed on the campus of the California State University
Northridge (CSUN). This school was proposed as an academy high school and would share
athletic facilities with CSUN. This project was highly controversial with the
neighboring community and required extensive interaction with the Los Angeles
Department of Transportation to address concerns with traffic. Aspen assisted with
the preparation for public meetings and participated in the public scoping meeting
and public hearing on the Draft EIR. A revised traffic study was needed to address
the public comments on traffic and to explore additional traffic mitigation; traffic
was a significant unavoidable impact after mitigation. The report was certified by
the Board of Education and was not challenged by the public despite significant
controversy regarding traffic impacts.
This project falls under Aspen's On-call Environmental Services Contract assisting
the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD, the nation's second largest school
district) with one of the largest public works projects in the country - the planning
and construction of more than 100 new schools and the expansion of dozens of existing
schools to meet existing overcrowding conditions in the greater Los Angeles area
schools. The school construction program addressing existing overcrowding conditions
within the LAUSD is referred to as Phase I. Phase II and future phases deal with
project student enrollment through the year 2020. As part of this ongoing services
contract, Aspen prepares CEQA documentation such as EIRs and IS/MNDs for Primary
Centers, Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and High Schools throughout the eight
planning areas of the LAUSD, which have a total student enrollment of over 800,000.
The focus of many of the documents are assessment of impacts associated with air
quality emission, on-site hazards and hazardous materials, project-generated noise,
land use and planning, and traffic and transportation. Major issues of concern usually
include traffic and noise generated by school operation activities. Aspen's CEQA
review documents incorporate LAUSD design standards and measures employed to minimize
environmental impacts. During the environmental review process for many of the school
projects, Aspen coordinates with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to
minimize project traffic impacts through mitigation options including mitigation fees.
Aspen is currently working on our second Master Services Agreement, awarded in February
of 2004.