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Services Environmental Impact Assessment
Project Type: Scientific Research - Research Facilities

Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) Relocation Project EIS/EIR, Caltech Owens Valley Radio Observatory Permitting

Aspen provided consulting expertise in planning the regulatory compliance and permit acquisition for Caltech's proposed installation of a radio telescope array at a high elevation site in the USDA Forest Service's Inyo National Forest. This included preparation of the Special-Use Permit application materials. Aspen previously assisted in the planning for other permits, public involvement, wildlife resource inventories, and plans for the EIS and EIR processes, with the Inyo National Forest and the University of California as the Federal and State lead agencies, respectively.

CARMA is a project to combine arrays of radio telescopes (antennas). It will combine six antennas (10.4 meters in diameter) currently operated by Caltech at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory near Big Pine, CA, and nine antennas (6.1 meters in diameter) operated by UC Berkeley, the University of Illinois, and the University of Maryland at Hat Creek in Shasta County, California. This is a national-level science project needing relatively dry, isolated, and undisturbed high-altitude site to be located in the Inyo National Forest.

Aspen's support in obtaining permits for this project has included:
  • Support in preparing a Preliminary Project Description, Approach to Public Involvement, and Detailed Permit Plan and Schedule, focusing on the Upper Harkless Flat site in the Inyo Mountains east of Big Pine,CA. The Badger Flat and Lower Harkless Flat site were also considered.
  • Support to Caltech in responding to the Forest Service's Notice of Intent and Draft EIS on National Forest System roadless area rulemaking.
  • Planning meeting at Caltech to re-start CARMA project with a focus on new sites.
  • Update Detailed Permit Plan, with a focus on Special-Use Permit and other permitting for Juniper Flat site, also in the Inyo Mountains, east of Big Pine. Included site reconnaissance at Juniper Flat and Lower Harkless Flat.
  • Special-Use Permit Application to Inyo National Forest for Juniper Flat.
  • EIS/EIR for the CARMA project as proposed for Juniper Flate site.
  • Wildlife Technical Reports for Juniper Flat and Lower Harkless Flat and Cedar Flat.

This project is also located on the following Services pages:
Environmental Impact Assessment
Water-related Compliance & Permitting
Services Provided on this Project:
• Environmental Impact Analysis
• Permitting
• Public Participation