Project Type: Energy
SDG&E Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project EIR/EIS.
Under a $16 million contract to the CPUC and under a Memorandum of Understanding with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Aspen managed
preparation of an EIR/EIS for a highly controversial 150-mile transmission line from Imperial County to coastal San Diego County. A 500 kV
line was proposed to pass through Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, and a 230 kV line would continue through rural San Diego County (communities of
San Felipe, Santa Ysabel, Ramona) with both overhead and underground segments. The CEQA/NEPA process included 15 scoping meetings and 11 public
meetings on the Draft EIR/EIS and Recirculated Draft EIR/EIS. Nearly 100 alterna-tives were considered, covering San Diego, Imperial, and Riverside
Counties and including transmis-sion, generation, and non-wires alternatives, and 27 alternatives were analyzed in the EIR/EIS. The 7,000-page
Draft EIR/EIS was published in January 2008, a Recirculated Draft EIR/EIS in August 2008, and the 11,000-page Final EIR/EIS was published in
October 2008. The approved transmis-sion line route was an alternative developed through the EIR/EIS process. Aspen's responsibilities also include
support to CPUC and BLM in the decision process, and mitigation monitoring. The Sunrise Powerlink EIR/EIS included analysis of a renewable power
generation alternative that included wind, solar photovoltaics, biomass/biogas, and solar thermal technologies. The environmental effects of these
renewable projects were detailed and mitigation measures were recommended to reduce or avoid impacts.